Friday, August 26, 2016

Why does my agarwood bracelet  not smell as good as woodchip ? Is it fake? 

Why does my agarwood bracelet  not smell as good as woodchip ? Is it fake?

· Please look at the pictures above a comparison between woodchip and beads. Both are circa 0.3 g of wood. However, the infection area of woodchip is more than 80% compared to woodbeads of circa 10%. At room temperature, both would emit a light smell (need high concentration to detect). However, if temperature rised, in this case, under an electric incense burner, woodchip started releasing the strong  fragrance from its resin while the wood beads emit a noticeable one. Woodchip comes at any shape as its value lying on the scent. In comparison, wood beads are different, you cannot make one high resin beads and the other beads have none. The resin need to spread out as even as possible. If you heat the whole 108 beads under the electric burner, the scent will be similar to woodchip. 

aquilaria agalloch bracelets

Just like all the necessity which has high volume in stock turn: woodchips and oud oil (agarwood oil), the price of these items are often negotiable as they are consumed in almost daily basis. With agarwood oil, Islam prays with it, Japanese, Chinese use it for medicinal purposes, Arabian uses it for manufacturing perfume. In contrast, agarwood beads are more in keep-sake, lucky charm or spiritual practise which last really long. Stock turning is slower and hence, high overhead cost occurs. In addition, each beads are made individually with care, high labour cost.
· We guarantee our agarwood beads are genuine as personally it is from our plantation site. For wild agarwood beads, with experience, we verified carefully before put them in the market for sales

 agarwood bracelet China , aquilaria filaria bracelets , incense filaria bracelets

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