Thursday, February 16, 2023

Russian Spacecraft Loses Pressure, what hapen ? how about the Space Station Crew Safe ?


Russian Spacecraft Loses Pressure, what hapen ? how about the  Space Station Crew Safe ?

Its said  ,An uncrewed Russian supply ship docked at the International Space Station has lost cabin pressure, the Russian space corporation reported
 Saturday, saying the incident doesn't pose any danger to the station's crew.

Roscosmos said the hatch between the station and the Progress MS-21 had been locked so the loss of pressure didn't affect the orbiting outpost. power bank rental dock 

"The temperature and pressure on board the station are within norms and there is no danger to health and safety of the crew," it said in a statement.

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The space corporation didn't say what may have caused the cargo ship to lose pressure.    mobile phone battery rental kiosk 

Roscosmos noted that the cargo ship had already been loaded with waste before its scheduled disposal. The craft is set to be undocked from the station and deorbit to burn in the atmosphere Feb. 18.  sharing power bank factory

The announcement came shortly after a new Russian cargo ship docked smoothly at the station Saturday. The Progress MS-22 delivered almost 3 tons of food, water and fuel along with scientific equipment for the crew.

Roscosmos said that the loss of pressure in the Progress MS-21 didn't affect the docking of the new cargo ship and "will have no impact on the future station program." sharing power bank charging dock

The depressurization of the cargo craft follows an incident in December with the Soyuz crew capsule, which was hit by a tiny meteoroid that left a small hole in the exterior radiator and sent coolant spewing into space. oem power bank rental kiosk

Russian cosmonauts Sergey Prokopyev and Dmitri Petelin, and NASA astronaut Frank Rubio were supposed to use the capsule to return to Earth in March, but Russian space officials decided that higher temperatures resulting from the coolant leak could make it dangerous to use. 12 Port Rental Power Bank Pods

They decided to launch a new Soyuz capsule February 20 so the crew would have a lifeboat in the event of an emergency. But since it will travel in automatic mode to expedite the launch, a replacement crew will now have to wait until late summer or fall when another capsule is ready. It means that Prokopyev, Petelin and Rubio will have to stay several extra months at the station, possibly pushing their mission to close to a year.  Rental Power Bank Kiosk Station

NASA took part in all the discussions and agreed with the plan.

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Besides Prokopyev, Petelin and Rubio, the space station is home to NASA astronauts Nicole Mann and Josh Cassada, Russian Anna Kikina, and Japan's Koichi Wakata. The four rode up on a SpaceX capsule last October.

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                                               this news is linked by VOA News

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